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Hair Removal
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What to Expect?

Will you feel the current, does it hurt? Everyone is different and have varying pain thresholds. Most of my clients say it isn't what they had expected. You will feel the current if you didn't it's not going to work.

How long are the Treatments?

Treatments are done anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on how much hair needs to be removed.

How does Electrolysis work?

Once you come in for a consultation we access how long appointments need to be. When you come in for your first treatment the area is cleared, usually if it is a large area that needs to be done you will have to come for weekly appointments. After a few months the hair starts to slow down feels softer and starts to come in thinner and thinner until it is no more.This can take anywhere from 8 to 12 months and longer depending on how thick and the area to be cleared. Usually you come in weekly until it starts to thin and then you can start skipping weeks.